magnetic medium

美 [mæɡˈnetɪk ˈmiːdiəm]英 [mæɡˈnetɪk ˈmiːdiəm]
  • 磁介质
magnetic mediummagnetic medium


any storage medium in which different patterns of magnetization are used to represent stored bits or bytes of information
the hard disk in you computer is magnetic storage
Synonym: magnetic storage medium magnetic storage


  1. The Teaching Research for Magnetization of Magnetic Medium in College Physics Courses


  2. The problem of the spherical hole inside magnetic medium


  3. The Equivalent Models for Magnetic Medium and the Calculation of Magnetization


  4. Two Maxwellian relations of the magnetic medium system


  5. Design and Simulation of On-Chip RF Magnetic Medium Inductors


  6. The Influence of Magnetic Medium in Eddy Current Transducers to the Control of Temperature Drift and the Measurement Performance


  7. It is convenient to consider the magnetic medium as a secondary field source in solving the magnetostatic problems .


  8. The diamagnetic mechanism of magnetic medium


  9. The microscopic mechanism of magnetic medium diamagnetism


  10. The analysis of the cutoff errors in non - linear magnetic medium integal-differential discreteness


  11. The separation result shows that the coal granularity , the air speed and the filling ratio of magnetic medium influence the separation effectiveness greatly .


  12. The e-business contract transmits and exchanges data information in the form of data message , and stores data information in magnetic medium of the computer .


  13. Finally , the measure methods of mostly parameters of thin film magnetic medium thickness , appearance , crystal structure , composition and magnetic characteristics are introduced .


  14. Research on the arrangement style of magnetic medium rod of the SSS - ⅱ type vertical ring and pulsating high gradient magnetic separator


  15. The yield stress in the MSBs formed by various sizes of one magnetic medium increases with the decreasing of the size of the medium .


  16. The Partial Element Equivalent Circuit ( PEEC ) formulation has established models of conductor , dielectric and magnetic medium after decades of development .


  17. Self-Inductance of Three-Dimensional Coaxial-Cable in Anisotropically Magnetic Medium


  18. HGMS using embedded magnetic medium and Lack of cleaning equipment , so it is easy to jam magnetic medium and include gangue in the iron concentrate .


  19. It is pointed out that the self-induction coefficient is relative to the current frequency in the actual conductor circuit , even if there is not any magnetic medium .


  20. Magnetomechanical resonance is a resonant phenomenon related to the size of magnetic medium and it is a mechanical resonance caused by magnetostriction vibration during magnetization .


  21. Carriers of archives are changing from paper material to modern material which mainly are made from magnetic medium . E-files will replace the paper files gradually and become the main stream of the archive management .


  22. Some discussions are also made in the paper on the feature of magnetic medium ( magnetic bead ), the fluidizing characteristic of the magnetically stabilized fluidized-bed , separation experiment system and separation experiment results achieved .


  23. Hard disk is widely used as a mass storage device , providing ability of rapid random access . Making use of the physical property of magnetic medium , hard disk provides nonvolatile and relative safe storage for data .


  24. Magnetostatic wave ( MSW ) is a kind of slow dispersive wave propagating in magnetic medium , which is also a microwave electromagnetic wave . So the propagation characteristics of MSW can be controlled by bias magnetic fields .


  25. Based on the treatment methods of transmisson matrix and boundary matrix in the magnetic medium , a calculation model of magnetic coupled Faraday effect in the multilayer materials was given , and the variation of Faraday angle with frequence also was analyzed .


  26. Packing density : Amount of information which can be stored on a magnetic storage medium .


  27. Polar Coordinate Form of Biot-Savart Law in Magnetic Anisotropic Medium


  28. Pad é - finite-difference time-domain analysis of electromagnetic scattering in magnetic anisotropic medium


  29. Pack : To compress and store data in a magnetic storage medium so as to save storage space . Unpack refers to decompressing .


  30. Because the ionosphere is a kind of magnetic ion medium , its physical characteristics differs from that of the low atmosphere , and results in the refraction of the wave is also different .
